But it is deeper than that! I knew this was coming so did my CCNA, I then went to work for a company that did IT and voice and for about 5 years all was ok. They then started doing a VoIP solution and decided that the IT techs could do the phone work so made me redundant! Funny thing was, I was more qualified in IT than any of their employees and just one week after I was made redundant, I was called back in as a contractor on about 3 times the hourly rate (I knew I wasn't redundant as in Oz Certain aspects of Telecoms is a registered trade and without registration it is illegal to work on some items). Simple fact is that your average IT person doesn't understand telecomms and it is adversely affecting the industry! The swing will swing back in the other direction eventually, I just hope they haven't done irreparable harm in the meantime.

Here in OZ as Voip increasingly becomes the way of delivering phone services, we are having to find ways to harden services such as lift phones are now being delivered via 4G (and as technology progresses these units will need to be upgraded to 5G and so on) and they need to be dual sim with different providers with UPSs that can also monitor the battery status so that they will continue to work in power outages. Can you imagine the lawsuit if someone dies in a lift because the UPS fails?

We are moving to high speed data at the cost of fragility in the voice network and it will take deaths for the politicians to realize they are responsible, but when they do, the swing will reverse!