
In reply, no one telephone system or even brand has all the answers to every client. Re: We'd all be driving Fords. (Insert Chevy, Dodge, etc.)

No Avaya. I can purchase from various sources, need no certification, and "best fit" not "Best Buy" my customers. Please understand my market. It is limited. It is the small (under 40 stations), privately owned market, not chains or corporations.

Due to pricing, the Panasonic with the hybrid ports has done the best, at this point. I no longer install them except at the customer's request. The NEC has more growth, and I am just getting into Vodavi. I am a "certified" Inter-Tel Encore installer and am working on acquiring the TransTel for the hotel I hope to bid this coming summer.

Ten years ago the "key" systems were very basic and similar. Today the features are similar with just a few differences or different in "how they get there". A lot easier today in some ways. Then again, ten years ago those systems were easier than the 1A2.

Sorry to have highjacked this thread. If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail me.
