I should say upfront thank you to all the great people on this board that make it a lot easier for an old dog to learn a new switch...

I dont remember much if anything from my very first IP Office class which was R3. After that I basically stepped away from it until just recently with R7. I don't recall the older IPOs having as many built in features to assign to buttons... So I have a couple questions that are semi-related.. I see a lot of mention about doing functions using short codes, but not a tremendous amount of using the built in features for the buttons. An example would be I wanted to do a voice dial to another phone and I was given a couple of different short codes to use, but the feature is built in as well. Is this because the IPO 500 V2 has more button features available to use than previous versions? The one feature that I have not be able to find is Call Log. Many of our customers will re-use existing T-series sets and being able to use the Call Log Feature would be extremely helpful if is is available on the T-series.

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