Hi, It my first Panasonic install, so bear with me if I'm asking something stupid.

I have a brand new KX-TES824CE, with no expansion modules at all, one KX-T7730 and a couple of SLTs (namely Panasonic KX-TS500RMs)

In short, the KX-T7730 rings, but none of the SLTs do. I can hear the clicking noise in the PBX, but the phones probably do not get the ringing voltage. If I lift the handsets, the call is made and I can speak through the SLTs normally.

Everything else is functioning as expected, calls going out, coming in (the SLTs don't ring, but if I know there's an incoming call, I can pick up the line) etc. Resetting to factory default [999] does not help either. The phones have been verified to ring directly on the CO line. Moving them to any of the extension jacks is all the same, no ringing.

I think I've read most of the manual and searched the Maintenance Console's options up and down, but no luck.

Is there something basic configuration option I missed, that enables ringing on SLTs or is simply the PBX faulty, and this is a warranty issue?