Originally posted by Jim Baldwin:
Ev did you point out that jackleg jerk to your customer, or report him to the licensing folks?
Sort of, Jim. When I said no, I pointed him to the EC on the job. They let him tag along on their permit for the low, low price of $500.00. Old "Leon" surely lost money on that job. The customer was aware of what was going on, but that $30.00 was more important to them.

Reporting people in the corrupt city of Washington, DC is nearly impossible. Sitting on hold and dealing with "atti-tood" is too much. Their on-line forms simply result in an automated reply stating: "Your message has been received and you will receive a response within 15 days". The replies never come. I have some complaints filed with them that are over two years old. The whole city is a joke.

They can sure hunt you down for a fifteen year-old parking ticket though! :rofl: