I have been able to duplicate the problem myself. Experienced the fading in and out while I was on hold with Vodavi Technical support. I fully agree that this is a telco problem. I was onsite with a Verizon tech for about 4 hours while he "monitored" the lines and tried to find the problem.

The lines are right out of the CO (about 1/2 mile away) and I thought that the voltage thing would be right on the spot to solve the problem but then actually taking the readings myself I realized that was not it (or probably not it).

It's not like my customer is calling me day in and day out about this problem but it's one that is still sitting in my on deck folder from an installtion that was completed during the Thanksgiving weekend of 2003. I am hoping to have the issue resolved one way or another before Thanksgiving 2005.

Come on y'all, someone has to have a good idea.
