Hello everyone! What a wonderful resource I seem to have found today. I'm hoping you can all point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this problem I have been experiencing.

It's long and boring so here's your chance to bail. smile

Ok so a little info to start.

I work for a CLEC that provides T1 voice and data service to the NJ,DE, and PA areas.

This customer has two T1s with us. One is used for data and the other for voice.

Both T1s come into a Tellabs Titan 5500 DACS over different DS3 facilities and cards. One T1 is then cross connected to a Cisco 7500 for data. The other goes to a 5ESS for voice.

At the customer side, the T1s go into a Carrier Access Adit 600. The data is routed connected to the router card in slot 6. Voice is terminated to a 66 block through FXS cards.

One day the customer calls in to us and complains that she cannot send long/large faxes. We do some homework and to cut right to the chase, find that the voice T1 is taking RX slips but nothing else. The data T1 in the same router is clean with no slips.

We go intrusive on the line and test to a tberd and see no errors at all. Not even slips.

We open tickets with the local carrier (Verizon) and have the line tested outside of normal business hours. They have the same results we do.

If the circuit is broken out to test, the errors stop. When it gets put back together, the errors return. Again, ONLY rx slips.

So, we dispatch out to the customer and replace hardware. Same problem. We then decide to move service from one t1 to another and essentially swap data and voice from one t1 to the other.

The errors followed the service meaning the t1 that was perfectly clean before with data now has rx slips on it with voice. The other circuit that was taking rx slip errors with voice is now 100% clean with data on it.

This is where I think I will stop. I could add more but I would like to see what everyone here may have to add to this.

I have a feeling that it is something simple and easy to many of you and it's probably staring us in the face here but it's being overlooked.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
