<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by novallo:
Hey guys, You seem like a great board. I used it when I bought my inter-tel system a few years back. I loved the cost benefit of that system. </font>

Did you actually buy the inter-tel system or did you do their " leasing scheme"?

When looking at the product literature from the inter-tel, They are really pushing their leasing options even though it cost more money to lease their system for 5 year then it cost to buy 4 new phone system of another brand.

Most phone system I've seen on are rock solid with 99.999% uptime. Never having to be reset or crashing like with computer or servers. I am talking about you set it and forget it. It runs forever. The only time you would ever need to change anything is something like changing a station's phone nane or settings for new employees.

However Inter-tel product literature makes it seem like you will be spending only 43% of your total cost on the entire phone system and an wopping 57% of your total cost as ongoing service to the system. What a joke!

How long ago did you buy the Inter-tel system? Maybe they had a different way of doing things back then. I would be very interested in how you find the performance of your new Samsung idcs 500 compared to the inter-tec.

If you have any questions about your new system. Please post them here so we can help you. I think you will be very happy with your new system.

[This message has been edited by TonyFalcon (edited August 13, 2005).]