I have pulled from the 43rd floor (penthouse) in 2029 Avenue of the Stars in Century City, to the MPOE which is two levels into the parking garage for another law firm. I remember that one very well. We actually pulled down from the top, and had many walkie-talkies, secured the cable every couple of floors and did it very, very, slowly. You do not want that cable coming down or slipping out. Pulling up didn't make sense. We didn't need pulleys, we had several people. It was a PowerSum 25-pair and CAT3 50-pair if I recall. The risers in these high-rises are usually not as clean as you would think. Also, many building management companies now employ "riser management" companies (Summit Riser in L.A.) to tend to their closets. The Century City complex had one of the biggest MPOEs I have ever seen.