Kumba, please tell me where you found application servers that are only 10" deep?!?! I need those last year!!!

Secondly, I have to agree with Hal et al re:the positioning and heat. The normal practice in datacenters is to have all equipment facing one way. Apart from the wiring convenience and heat generated in the rack, the proper way is to have "hot" and "cold" aisles between racks, ie the heat venting sides of opposing racks are on the same aisle. That way the front of your rack never faces the back of another.
Also, if I may say, the rack positioning is non-standard: switches usually are placed above the servers, and panels (if any) above switches. You start at the bottom with the heavier equipment and, if weight difference is negligible, with equipment that has the largest power requirements. That's keeping with normal design of having comm wire on top (usually on ladder) and power wire on bottom.
Unless ofcourse you have infloor wiring, but this is generally frowned upon for equipment rooms, though it's ok for user space.