Originally posted by MacOSX:
At the same time, I suggest starting with a plan, it really helps to have an overall approach to it before you're knee deep in it.
Tony -

An excellent idea. Whenever we had to work in a working CO we were required to fill out a MOP - a Method of Procedure - detailing exactly what we were going to do and how we were going to do it.

At first I objected to writing MOPs. They were a royal PITA. And then I found that writing out what I was going to do made for a much, much better job. It sharpened my focus and I found out I picked up problems before they happened. If I wrote out what I was going to do, step, by step then I found I would always have the right material with me, always have enough (of the right) manpower and the job (almost) always went well. Very well.

Have a plan. Write it up. Follow it.


"Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?"