I'm guessing that your system is actually a IVX 128 PLUS, because the IVX 128 system software revisions stopped at 1.15.0 (11.15.0 for systems manufactured prior to January 2002).

If your not using the ELRNC (Esi-Link Remote Network Card) then you may just want to switch back to 2.15.0 (22.15.0). Because you're already running 3.1.0, you could try installing the 3.4.1 software without doing an initialization and see if that makes a difference when using the CID.

The system really should give you more like 3 rings if you've set ring 1/3 to ring a station. Perhaps it has something to do with how the line provider delivers CID...

Stephen Joyce, Terminal Solutions, Inc. sjoyce@tsinc.com
Business Telephone Systems Sales &a...ntage, Lucent/Avaya, Sprint Protege)[/i]

[This message has been edited by tsinc (edited April 12, 2005).]