Originally posted by adamtelco.com:
I bet you won't find that more than 10 people a month type in the phrase "calgary telephone systems" but there will be a whole host of other phrases you should clue in on.
I think your wrong about "calgary telephone systems" not being used much.
I think it's an excellent nitch key word...anyone who is looking for a phone system will more than likely search "telephone system, calgary" if they live in Calgary..here's how I'd think a surfer would do it...first they would search phone system or telephone systems and see the results isn't what they were looking for...then they would add the word Calgary and wala thats what I'm looking for.
The 2 search terms will bring just about the same results "calgary telephone systems" ~v~ "telephone systems, calgary" they may also use Phone instead of Telephone...so you would want to keep that in mind too.