In reference to the 100K guy something smells wrong - Iwatsu systems are relkiable but inevitably they don't carry the feature set - the ability to communicate seamlessly amongst facilities that other systems do. Years ago ina campus environment they said a centralized operator was available but failed to mention there was no DSS BLF functionality so an operator wa sperforming for lack of words a blind transfer between sites. In addition they used 2 channels simultaneously when the call timed out or was sent to a centralized VM. Bet they haven't fioxed teh CLID dial out function - perhaps on their unfied messaging platform supplied by that Canadian outfit? Again a reliable system but not as featrure enhanced as others especially in th netwroking department. Did you include Cisco in your RFP? Very very big player in NYC area and their phones look pretty cool.
PS If you are buying in GA and looking at BTS - Lenny Berman - good luck -especially on maintenance fees.