Coral: Punch Down, Rather Be Fishing and I became moderators of this forum, not because we are total experts in this field but because we think we can help promote a dialog that is positive and encourage individuals with little or no experience to get started some where some how before too much more time passes. I personally intended to try to get some industry insiders from various manufactures to join and give their feedback as well. I made a couple of posts, including this one and you have chosen to pick everyone to death on every issue. Is is a standard? Is it not a standard? Is is a protocol? Is it not a protocol? Is it true SIP? Is it some bastard hybrid? Here is my final question and then I'm through with this one. How do you expect anyone to want to participate in the VOIP forum, including nubies and especially industry experts, if you're going to challange every post and intemidate other board members? I mean, I've learned nothing from you on this. You're wearing out your welcome weather you realize it or not. Your positive input is encouraged as is would be with any other member, but this is discouraging considering this forum just started recently.
