Hey Bucky…. The engineer was giving you circuit ID’s with the “CSNC” & “PMNC.” I’d be betting you were speaking with an Outside Plant Engineer (whom rarely know circuits) and the feller was working off a “cheat sheet” of some kind. The 1st two alpha characters you were given of “CS” and “PM” are the service codes and really would be the only thing that would matter….

Here’s the Telcorda description of service code “CS”
Definition: Provides a channel which has the capacity of transmitting up to 30 baud.
The channel does not have access to the switched message network.

FYI… I THINK service code “PM” was retired. (Doesn’t mean it’s not still being used by that company.

If you tell your AT&T sales rep those are “service codes” or circuit id’s… That should get ‘em going in the right direction.

LEC Provisioning Engineer
Cars -n- Guitars Racin' (retired racer Oct.'07)