CAT 5 works just as good as CAT3. Don't special order CAT 3, it's a waste of money. That said, use your butt set to verify your on the right line, don't just use any dialtone you can find like I see most minimum wage installers here in Oklahoma do. At the DeMarc end hook up the Blue/White pair to the Demarc. At the RJ31 end, hook up your Blue/White pair to the Red/Green on the RJ31. Hook up Orange/White to the other pair in the RJ31, the ones at the jack end on the jack, don't know the colors because I've seen them change from vendor to vendor. Back at the DeMarc the Orange/White pair feeds dialtone on into the location, PBX/house whichever.

Pay attention to the previous post if you are on the DSL line and ask a local interconnect for some help in learning it, most of us are glad to get it done right the first time, I did't bid in the time it takes to clean up after someone else and don't need the extra work.

Never blame on malice, what can be adequately attributed to STUPIDITY!!