
A 6040 key was a box that usually mounted on the wall that emulated a six-button phone. You just wired any kind of single-line set into it, as long as it had been modified for A leads. It had either screw terminals for all connections, or a 25 pair cord to emulate a 2565 set.

I have no idea what a KV or CVW was, but I have an idey. If it's what I think it was, it involved a field-assembled system consisting of 1A1 relay assemblies (KTU's) and a small enclosure with a gray metal (later plastic) cover. There was no interrupter, power supply or line cards. Everything was line-powered.

Oh, and Sam, I can surely sympathize with you on the LI install you mentioned. Northern NJ here; same difference.....Pampered customers for sure. I remember many 66E3 blocks on 6 pair prewire loops. We did pull off some magic for sure!