C = Combined set. The WE 302 model, for instance...the first WE model that COMBINED the handset, switchhook, network (hybrid coil) and ringer.

CV = Combined set with a VARISTOR across the receiver terminals. (the 500-series) A varistor is a little component whose resistance decreases with an increase in voltage across it. It reduces acoustic shock (clicks) caused by switchhook and rotary dial operation.

CVW = As above mounted on the WALL.

KV = KEY set

KVW = WALL key set, aka "Cuckoo Clock"

6xxx keys = a whole family of separately-mounted keys. The 604x series has the same key as found in the KV, in a plastic cover. HOLD, plus 5 pickups.

Arthur P. Bloom
"30 years of faithful service...15 years on hold"