Originally posted by Matt1964:
Yep, been there, done that as well. I lost count of how many times I'd be punching down a keyset, get to the 23rd or 24th pair, punch it down, for some reason it cut on both top and bottom, try to pull a little slack... punch it again.... cuts on top and bottom again... no more slack.

Yank all of 'em and start over.
There's a fix for that and I never recommend or do it :-)

Your screwdriver is your friend. If you've dutifully cut the sheath behind a 66 block, you can seperate the wires and wrap it around your screwdriver in a single loop. Carefully work the screwdriver back and forth with the wire wrapped around it. You stretch the wire and can gain about an inch :-)

Carl who would ever want to do that?