. . .and then there was the sound of ringing in my house!

Thanks everyone for your help. Thanks, Ed for the for those few sentences above that made the figure/schematic in the Bell System Practice suddenly make sense to me. I was blind but now I see.

Looking at my list, next is making this crappy little MagicJack I bought at Walgreens work as a 3rd CO line. I stuck a tester in it and got a red light -- what's with the reversed polarity? Odd, but can't I just reverse T/R at the KSU where the CO line connects? I've already figured out that the MagicJack thing doesn't play nice with 400G cards but the 400H seems to like it just fine. Loop current is thin; could that be what makes 400G finicky? That's as far as I've gotten. No idea yet what ring voltage will be like but with common audible up and running, hopefully that won't be an issue. I saw a thread from several months ago about MagicJack; will review but I may have many questions in future about this and other fun 1A2 stuff.

You guys are the best. Thanks again.

Kind regards,
