OOPs on the passwords! the first two were user / customer standard passwords.

I was privy to a conversation where there was a fued between ESI and Executone. I was told by the parties involved there was a disagreement related to design issues involving the Medely and it got legal. I assume the dealt with their differences, I am a certified tech on both so I got to hear the back and forth on the subject. Frankly theres no way to get into details without appearing to take sides.

I have many of both ESI and Medely systems in the field and I like both. They are simple and almost maintenance free over 99% of the time when installed right with a solid ground. I have never had to replace an ESI system yet, and only a few Medely's due to hard drive failures, but this is expected when a hard drive is running for a decade non stop 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

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I am now Retired and no longer need these URL's