If you do go that route, be forewarned to keep it in YOUR shop environment so YOU can answer any questions and get all the grief when Bell comes-a-knocking.

Also take note that if the system does not conform to Canadian standards and causes any problem on the public network Bell has many powers to deal with it, and you won't have a leg to stand on. I believe that they have the power to "fine" you as well....at least they used to.

IMO, the best route to follow is to contact X-Blue. If enough of us pressure them, then they MIGHT, I say again MIGHT take the initiative to resubmit their systems for certification in Canada. I've tried for two years, so good luck.

Scientists say that the universe is made up of Protons, Neutron & Electrons. They forgot "Morons".
Dave. (CTUB) Canadian Techs Use Bix!