Thank You for resizing them for me WRichey. I had some great soft wear but my daughter crashed my computer and I never got it back.

This is a rotary dial, Gray Manufacturing Payphone (Gray later became Western Telephone).

Thank You Matt1964 I will certainly give them a try tomorrow.

My husband doesn't know that much about phones but he has his degree in electronics so if we could find a diagram for this phone he could fix it. I know there is something that you have to do to change it from a payphone to a regular phone and I would love to find out what and get this going.

When I did a search on Google I found a blog that told me how to wire the outside line to the phone but as I said it had an extra black wire which seems to be the pivotal wire. I can get a dial tone if I hook it to certain spots, however the phone will not hang up and my phone line goes to busy. Could there be a problem with the reciever cradle?