I remember those, they were sooo neat that, when the Code-A-Phone dealership, I worked for, became a factory approved repair center for Telco's, I took a cue. The Telco CAP 'home system' that a lot of smaller telcos rented to customers included a Trimline base, without the cover, and handset. The base was mounted inside the CAP and the cover had a built-in well that mimicked the Trimline base cover. We traded in a lot of these things, they were real DOGS, hard to repair and unreliable when new, at best. They went into the scrap pile, where we cannabalized parts. (Factory was running out of parts) Anyhow, I grabbed all the phones. There were all the typical Trimline colors. I ordered a bunch of appropriate color base covers, as well as handset backs and fronts. Some of my most popular 'garage sale' phones were the 'Ice Cream' phones. I'd use a white, or green handset front, with brown back and base cover. made some decent change with that little basement business! smile John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.