The ACD capability in the TDS Series is pretty much straight forward. ACD Agent groups are created with the Hunt Group Assignment Form using the web browser interface. Then you set up various threshold timers for the call que into the agent groups. Record the various messages or announcements for each level and at what time period you want them played. You designate agents and supervisors, give them Log in and log out keys, help keys, monitor capability, wrap up timer keys and a variety of other assignments.
You cannect the Supervisors to the ACD via LAN and they can log on and view in real time the status of their ACD group. The screens have various colors for different status plus show total calls per agent, call timers, average ring time, wrap up time, how many abandoned calls, longest waiting time and a few other things.

In the USA the ACD is offered only under field trial arrangement at this time. TransTel India has probably already released it however.

The documentation is clear and should walk you through this step by step. It even shows screen shots of the programming steps and also the Supervisor screen examples.

If you are an installer go to TransTel India and ask them for a manual. You should be able to do this pretty easily with the proper documentation and support.