This really has little to do (IMO) with the hardware. It has to do with "Does this customer still want to do business with you?"

Recently a customer of ours moved to a much larger location with existing cabling, existing network, and existing VoIP phone system that was about 5-7 years old. I had a sit-down with the customer, his IT guy and the bookkeeper and said, (in a nutshell) that if he wanted us to continue doing business, he could move his old Nortel system, which we would gladly do, and gladly maintain, or he could purchase (on lease)a VoIP system from us---one that we would be comfortable with, and one that we could support. I told him, that I would not support that existing system. Period.

I did some research on that system and had a lot of ammunition---but I didn't really get to use it. He just said "Get some numbers in front of me on the new system." I did just that. The new system has been in for 2 months. We are looking for a buyer for the older VoIP system.