Just wanted to post a few of my essential phone apps that I use every day.

1. Dropbox. Absolutely essential. I can sync files in the background in between all my desktop, laptop, and mobile devices. Its free and you get 2 gigs of storage. You also can use the web interface to access your files. FREE

Ive recently started using Sugarsync and it gives you 5 gigs of storage for free and is very similar to Dropbox. FREE

2. Taskos. Is a very simple to use task manager for Android that syncs with Google task. It supports voice and text input and its also very simple to use and the interface is very clean. It also has a widget available.

3. Evernote. Another free program designed to sync notes across all your devices. Very flexible and powerful. I use it a lot for important websites. I can put the note on my desktop interface and it gets synced to my phone automatically. It also has a web interface available. FREE

4. Wyse Pocketcloud. A remote access program that allows me to use RDP and VNC from my spartphone.

5. Google Secrets. A simple password management program that allows yo to store passwords. I love this program because its simple and backed by Google. FREE

Those are the 5 major ones and I also make extensive use of Google Voice and Apps.







Id like to see what you guys use on your Android or Iphone device on a daily basis.