Called him, PSU60 in both cabinets, told him to switch PSU60 from 2nd cabinet to first and come pick up a PSU60 spare if he wants to make the drive from San Diego. It's Sunday at a motel, most people checking out, not such an emergency. PSU40's almost never died, PSU60s had the same stupid capacitor problem that the 100s had that the 500's had and even some of the 7000 series have. As a rule, Samsung stuff is top notch in reliability but some stupid crew in the design team keeps trying to save money on capacitors and it shows up in the 50si, 100, 500 and 7000 series. 4 capacitors, 2 big, 2 small are the same ones to fail, you tell me why people who are so smart at such itsy bitsy tiny parts are so stupid at such common forty year old capacitor technology in 2012? I have a 7200 that is three years old with a bad power supply, I have a 7100 that had a power supply fixed twice. One would think that if you saw bad capacitors in the DCS and 50s and 100s and 500s they certainly wouldn't be in the 7000 series. But..........some who needed to be fired. didn't.

THE Bracha, old blond specialist in Rube Goldberg solutions.