Hi, I attended a CFCA conference and this very topic was discussed as it has been causing serious issues. The 800 number is simply being used as a place to land a call for free and to keep it connected for a long period without cost. The scam is known as traffic pumping and works like:

- the scammer obtains a IRS number. This number will pay them for every minute a call is connected to it, often used for radio station calls etc.
- the scammer then puts a divert on this IRS number to forward all calls to somewhere free eg a company's 800 number
- the scammer then uses a call generator to pump calls into their IRS number which are then forwarded to the 800 number, costing them nothing
- the scammer collects money for every minute each call is connected through his IRS number.

Time Warner are aware of this type of scam as they had people at the conference, but up to that point didn't know why this would happen until they attended this session.