We have a receptionist phone ext 121that handles all calls. A linear cover group 775 that is always on was set up to handle the overflow. The first member of the call group is 100. She has a console phone with most of the line buttons. Recently coverage calls light up on her line button but don’t ring audibly.

The receptionist generally handles all the calls except at lunch. If the covering person “extension 100” is not looking at the phone then the call goes unanswered.

7300 cover button.
Interesting that on the extension 100 phone the 7300 D cover button for people that dial 0 out of the auto attendant does not ring either – it lights up – but no ring –

From inside the office calls extension 100 it rings on her SA Voice button, likewise external calls that are transferred to extension 100 ring as well.

Maybe we have a faulty phone?? Reset the members in the call group perhaps 100 is skipped entirely?

Any ideas?