Originally Posted by Mercenary Roadie
I just found it interesting that the test would have so much outdated question on it.

Nothing surprises me when it comes to government licensing.

I have a good friend who at one point was trying to get the NYC license to be a shop teacher. In order to get the license he had to show proficiency on a particular model of printing press. Now mind you, there were no longer any classes being taught on printing presses, everything was being taught on computers. But you still needed to show proficiency. Not a problem, except that the type of press you needed to qualify on was manufacturer discontinued.

Not only that there was only ONE UNIT LEFT in the whole world. Guess where it was?

In the testing facility.

But wait! as they say, there's more! The unit was broken and you couldn't demonstrate proficiency, because it didn't work. So for years, no shop teachers were certified. They could work, but couldn't be paid full salary, because they weren't certified.

Happy ending. Eventually (after the problem was publicized, and the administration was publicly mocked), the press was repaired, teachers were certified and -eventually - the testing parameters were changed.

But does it surprise me that there's antiquated information on the test? How long have they been giving this test? Is anyone serious involved in updating it and keeping it current? Who would benefit (or not benefit!) by having a modern, updated test.

Those are the questions to ask.


"Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?"