The first thing to ask is the time and date correct on your phone display? If it is way off, both time and date, your system may have defaulted and will need to be reprogrammed by your vendor.

If time and date is correct within a few minutes, try setting the NIGHT mode at the main phone this way- press the SPEAKER button so you hear the inside dial tone, then press the NIGHT button. If you hear 3 beeps, your change has been accepted. Press the SPEAKER button again and do a test call to see if it still rings directly to voice mail. (You change back and forth in NIGHT mode the same way- 3 beeps means you're on the right track.)

If changing the night mode doesn't change anything for you, you'll need to call your vendor in to see why calls aren't ringing in properly.

Sometimes the thoughts in my head get so bored, they go for a stroll through my mouth. This is rarely a good thing.