Originally Posted by Derrick
Take a look at this unit. I have one of T3s qualifiers, a really good tester. This is a Certifier.
Speed Certification to IEEE standards 802.3
Cable testing to TIA568A/B

Net Chaser

That is another company misusing the term Certifier as it is not a certifier. It fits in with the ByteBrothers Real World Certifier.

There is a new class of testers that fits in between a Qualifier and a Certifier and is meant for verifying that the cable and network can in fact handle the speeds needed. This new class of test equipment is being referred to as a Transmission Tester and is less expensive than a certifier and more or equally expensive as a qualifier. It also uses a main unit and a remote unit like a certifier.

Here is an example of what this new class of testers are like;


Patrick T. Caezza
Santa Paula, CA 93060
C-7 - Low Voltage System Contractor - Lic# 992448