Hello all... I'm new to the Sundance forums and I was wondering if I could find some help here. I looked through the categories and I couldn't find a section for payphones so I figured I'd ask in the General section. Admins.... if there is an appropriate section, feel free to move my thread.

Anyway, I've got a Western Electric 1C style pay phone with a Gemini model "4032-GSIII" electronic chassis. This chassis was removed from service a couple years ago when Verizon got out of the pay phone business.

When I connect it up, the phone gives me dialtone from my Asterisk box, but, when I try to dial, the lady inside the board says "Restricted dialing 911 only".

Is there anyone out there that has the programming information or software for this board? I believe that it is a "hybrid" board, that is, it's set up to work on a LEC provided coin line and use that for local coin calls, and for interLATA calls, it acts as a COCOT phone. It was set up as a "call anywhere in the USA for a dollar" type phone.

What I'm looking to do is at least get it out of the "911 only" mode and set it up so that I can at least dial thru it, and maybe convince it to act as a real payphone somehow.

Is there anyone out there that has the programming information or software? The manufacturer, TSG, was aquired by Elcotel, which was acquired by Quortech, and when I call their technical support line, it is answered by a person from WiMacTel who has no information on the older hardware.
