Question for those who know:

When a shared access utility pole gets replaced (lets say it was owned by the power company as an example), the new pole is dropped next to the old one, poco moves their attachments over to the new pole and chops the top off the pole, leaving telco and cableco to move their stuff over... who owns the old pole? If the poco in this example, do the other utilities still pay an attachment fee on the old pole? or would the poco consider the old pole abandoned?

No particular reason I am asking. Just wondering. Around my parts, Fairpoint seems to be the slowest to move their attachments over to a new pole. Sometimes years if ever would they move their attachments over to a new pole, even ones where it is the simplest operation (new pole directly next to the old pole, plenty of slack, etc). I wondered if there was no financial reason to move over if the pole was abandoned and they didn't have to pay an attachment fee.