I'm helping a customer with security concerns due to splits in their business.
The have what I believe is a Mitel 5000, but I'm more of a Panasonic guy. Also, I'm quite familiar with "general" security concerns, but I would like to learn a little about some of the Mitel features and capabilities.
Next to their system is a small "iView" box that apparently is some sort of remote access device. I would like to know if someone is familiar with that as well.
Things I'm interested in include - would users typically get access to certain features such as supervisor monitoring for instance? Is access typically pc based/ on site, or can significant programming be done by phone as well? Voicemail is, of course, also a concern.
I believe they also have remote IP phones at multiple locations which added to their concerns about someone listening in to their calls.
They will probably be changing the system as the business dealings proceed but I want to be giving them accurate information. Feel free to pm me.
