I wouldn't use SSD's for long-term storage and after doing any research, you probably wouldn't either. I guess M-Disc's are the way to go..although I still have some old CD's. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=m-disc+review+2018

A lot of my stuff is stored on old zip discs and I have tons of hard drives, both network and portable, online (like 4). I've used Idrive for about 3 years, after using SugarSync before, to store my critical business files online.

I'm not a picture taker, so I don't have tons of photos, but I do have tons of MP3 music stored on network drives. They number in the thousands (like 44K) and I just have them stored in several places. I can sync them at any time.

For entertainment, spend a few minutes with these articles https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNS6n2C8AxQvQYw90vTEVygspSaHtA%3A1570716818935&ei=kjyfXcTeOILStAXat6HoAg&q=which+lasts+longer+ssd+or+hdd&oq=how+long+do+ssd%27s+last&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i356l4.0.0..31815...0.2..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz.JAOZjsMpqLg