My apologies for being offline so long. Medical issues got in the way.

Are you still having the problem? Have you gotten anywhere with the trouble shooting?

The formula is P=V(squared)/Z

P is the power of the Amp in Watts

V(sq) on a 70.7 Volt system is 70.7 x 70.7, or almost exactly 5000 (

Z is the Minimum impedance of the circuit

So with a 240Watt amp you should see:

240 = 5000/ 21

So you should be reading NO MORE THAN 20 or 21 ohms. If you're reading 0 then maybe you've got a dead short out there - or more likely a speaker hooked up without a transformer.

Try breaking one of the speaker runs in the middle and testing both ways. See what you can find.


Last edited by Silversam; 09/24/23 04:02 PM.

"Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?"