
I've been searching the web for days and can't seem to find the information I'm looking for. I'm hoping someone here can help me.

First a little background info:

I am a volunteer with a Non-profit organization that grants wishes to children with life threatening illnesses. The foundation was started about a year ago. They are occupying office space that was previously occupied by another non-profit organization. The office space already had an Inter-Tel Axxent PBX system in place. A few months ago it died. A telecom company was brought in to take a look at it and told the staff that the unit was dead. They told them it would need to be replaced and would cost at least $1,500. The foundation didn't have that kind of money so they wired 1 phone line up to 1 phone and that is what they have been sharing amongst the staff members.

I have experience with computers and work in the telecom industry so I decided to take a look at it for them. I quickly determined that the unit was fixed with a $21 power supply. I have it back up and running right now but am having a couple of issues.

1) The system was originally programmed for 4 incoming phone lines and 10 stations when a prior non-profit occupied the space. Right now the new foundation has two phone lines with the 10 stations. I need to figure out how to remove the remaining two lines from the programming.

2) When a call comes in the phone at extension 100 will ring but none of the other phones will. I've checked them and none are set to forward or have DND on. The executive set is at extension 105. We really need to have 100 and 105 ring on incoming calls.

I was successful connecting to the Axxent PC via serial cable but it doesn't appear as though I can do any programming that way. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

I've been trying to find an older CGA type Computer monitor with a 9-pin connector to plug into the unit but haven't had much luck yet. One person on craigslist was going to give me one but his basement flooded in a storm the day before I went to pick it up. So I'm back to square one on that.

I've been looking for manuals for this system online and haven't had much luck. There are a couple free ones around but they aren't very helpful. I also noticed some that you can buy but I don't want to pay then find out they aren't the right one. We really don't have the money to waste if it won't help.

That's why I decided to try here. I was hoping that some of you could help us with the issues we've been having.

