hey all. i have tried to help him with no luck and he has stopped emailing me. I called into the system and tried to reset the password (I do know how) with no luck. Additionally it doesn't seem like a r3 when I dialed in from the way it prompts, but even the older units are similar to reset. I then proceeded to have him hyperterminal in. I have instructions from txfoneman and found my old notes to verify the reset procedures. he can't figure out a null modem cable, number 1. number 2 if you have figured it out follow the instructions. Are you getting any response back from the unit? Please let us know what you are getting.
number 3. it will cost you 75.00 and no headache to have me send a tech out to fix. this has been going on for weeks now. don't you think it is finally worth the few dollars to get this thing up and running? i'll make sure the tech shows you what he is doing in case you ever have to do this in the future??