
Wondering if anyone is willing to offer strategies for us -- I've been asked to renumber the phone extensions for our building.

In the past, all the extensions were synchronous as you circled the offices. In other words -- the office with x101 was next to the office with x102, which in turn was next to the office with x103... and so on. Over time, some people have moved offices and taken their extensions with them, the main-office open area has become a cube-farm, other parts of the building have gained their cube farms, and we add employees right and left which has exacerbated the problem.

And by "problem" I mean that there is no order to the extension numbering. I inherited this phone system and it's related quirks and am hoping to find ideas to help keep this from happening again. If we go through the with this renumbering plan then I prefer to do it exactly once. :-)

Obviously not allowing extensions to follow employees to other parts of the building is one way to avoid this later. Another idea is to have gaps in extension numbering to allow for growth.

Additionaly ideas would be very much appreciated. Even if the answer is "it's a fact of phones... extensions get out of order. Get over it..." I'm okay with that.

Thanks in advance,
