Just restore a copy of the old C:\Program Files\Avaya Solutions\WinSPM\Data\ folder to the same place.

If you have a copy of your old Site.DB and Site.PX files from that folder, you can also:

1. Run Microsoft Excel
2. Choose File, Open and navigate to the old Site.DB file
3. In the file open window, type *.* to see a complete file list (alternatively just type site.db as the file name)
4. When you see the warning about queries to an external database, simply select "Open"
5. Bada Bing...data intact.
6. Repeatedly return to Sundance to help others

Have I met you Andy? Your name sounds really familiar to me. I'm thinking that Dave Sawyer might be a mutual friend.

"Press play and record at the same time" -- Tim Alberstein