This customer has been accustomed to having all attendents at work [very busy rehab/health care 24/7] answer any ringing lines at any station and preform as a receptionist - HOLD+PAGE w/line number. This worked well with 8 stations showing appearance of all 6 lines.

I have expanded this Legend 6.1 to 7.0, added an ETR card, 2 Partner 3920 wireless & 4 Partner 18D. There were already 8 stations with all 6 lines appearing in a row, making all calls easy to
HOLD + PAGE w/LINE #. Previously, a recipient has only needed to hear his name announced, find a phone and press the blinking light.

Now there are 6 stations that do not have the luxury of all 6 line appearances showing directly on the set. The 3920 wireless have been programmmed to show all 6 lines at the expense of 2 MLX stations which lose that 6 line appearance.

Can attendants PARK calls on a button that blinks at ALL sets so the recipient must 'only' find and press a blinking light? They seem to have trouble remembering a 'procedure' of buttons to press to receive an incoming call that is announced by PAGE in this chaotic enviornment [health care/rehab]

Thank you for any help

You only need to know the right button to push-