Okay, first thing: Did you change the PMS system from a prior PMS system? Or did the Xiox just quit sending?
If this system used to work and jsut stopped, then go through and check all the connectors, end to end. Make sure that they're connected.
Different people have their own tricks for testing data throughput. Mine is to use a laptop with hyperterminal or Procomm. Connect the serial port in place of the serial output of the summa to PMS. Set the Baud and parity of hyperterminal or procomm so that it matches the summa.
Send data. You should get clear, recognizable characters, like ^J 0123012301230123012301230123 ^M^J^L or something similar. Micros format is one long string of characters. Hobic and the third protocol -- argh, what's that other one? HIS? -- use spaces to break up the data into more easily readable blocks.
Now, if the Xiox is not sending data, then the problem lies in the Xiox. If the Xiox sends garbage like ^y^y^y^y^y or ^j^j^j^j^j or anything other than recognizable characters, then the baud and parity are wrong. Also, if you get nothing, the baud and parity may be wrong.
If you get nothing, you may need a null modem adapter to swap pins 2 and 3, but if the system used to work, you shouldn't have to make wiring changes.
If the format is micros and you need hobic, or hobic and you need micros (whatever, you get readable info but it's not formatted right) you may be able to work with the new PMS vendor to get the right setup, or you may need have the Xiox changed to the new format. And since Xiox no longer supports it, you might have to buy a new Call-Accounting box.
So, the question, what exactly have you got, and what happened?