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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Brushak: 2 of our phone lines connected to our Panasonic Hybrid System disconect during calls. Does anyone know what is wrong and how we can fix it?</font>
Move the two lines in questions to different CO ports on the phone system and use them for a while. This will tell you whether its YOUR hardware or the phone company. If it's your problem, I've got the internal as well as add-on CO boards for any of the Panasonic Key Systems. -Joe 888 999 3969 -Joe
Is this somthing that just started out of the blue or has it done this since the install? as Joe stated; swap them with lines that do not have a problem and see if the problem follows the CO port or the CO line.
Just to clarify, are the lines disconnecting calls or is a particular phone disconnecting calls? Does this happen on all phones on those 2 lines? I would suspect a telephone before i suspected the lines in. Sounds to me like a bad hookswitch or, possibly, a bad line cord jack in the phone (the line cord jacks come loose all of the time on Panasonic phones) I am going to go out on a limb and guess that this is just happening on one phone. Swap the phone with a known good phone. If the problem follows the phone, then the phone needs to be repaired. Send it in!
It is happening on all the phones. I suspect that the problem is either in the wiring or the boards but I admit I am not a phone tech. The phones we are using are new with one exception and I don't think the old one we are using is the problem. The System was wired poorly to begin with and age has caught up with it. My guess is we need to repair the wiring and replace a board. If that can be done with reasonable cost than we should proceed with repair. If the cost gets to high then we should replace the system.
My guess is if these 2 lines are in order, like 1-2 or 3-4 or 5-6 and so on, and you say your backboard is a mess? The Installer may have crimped his modular ends (the plugs with 4 brass pins that go into the CO ports on the system). Hand crimped Mods have a high failure rate. If the problem is indeed on say for instance line 7-8 then swap the plug with 5-6 and if problem follows, before calling the telco, and if you think you are capable, put the two lines on a jack and use a NEW Station CORD, with 4 brass conductors, that may solve. I recommend trying the other troubleshooting procedures mentioned earlier as well. Good Luck.
This may not apply to you, but if you have a cordless phone plugged into the XDP, it will disconnect you after about 2-3 min when it goes off hook to see if there is messages waiting, you must turn parralel off.
Thanks to all of you for trying to help. Unfortunately, I think we need a Panasonic Certified Technian to help us. Does anyone know of one in the North Suburbs of Chicago that can help us without charging us an arm and a leg?