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Not for hold there isn't. Are you by chance reffering to setting the sets for Day Flash so when the person puts it in Inclusive the keys will flash for anyone to access?
Russ runs a local service and private tech center.
No say ext 20 puts it on hold. Ext 21 can just hit the button and pick it up. It is possible. He had it. I go thought this everytime we he loses power but it's been so long and I can't find the book. And the guy who knows how to do it is on vacation till the 27th.
Ok, I got the book out and it says in the back under New Features.
Exclusive/Inclusive Hold A current 8/16 system has only Exclusive Hold. With the new software when a station is connected to a C.O. line the first press of the hold key stores the C.O. line in Exclusive Hold, any additional presses of the Hold key stores the C.O. line in Inclusive Hold (the C.O. line flashes at all the stations which are programmed for " day" flash).
Note: If the C.O. line is in Inclusive Hold, then all transfer functions are cancelled.
Other then that you got me.
[This message has been edited by dtmf (edited September 16, 2004).]
Russ runs a local service and private tech center.
I pulled my book and found the same note Russ but I remember that the last ver of 816 was able to this. Tony do you have the new type overlay the gray one that looks the same as the 2464 overlay?
I have the new 8/16 programer. but It say's nothing about this on it. I might have an old overlay. I'll check that out.
But The system can do this, without any question. Maybe it a new version or something. I know cause the guy had it. And when he lost power he call saying he can't pick-up the calls on hold from his phone. I went there and I could do RTVR hold and worked fine. (The system had been defaulted) He says back to me I would just hit the button. And I go though this everytime this happens. I have to write this down.
Tony Float is button 27, I looked at my overlay and Green button 24 has nothing so I would assume that is where they put it as steve said, Right under O/1 restr. My overlay is for 816(new)which may be different from yours.
[This message has been edited by dtmf (edited September 17, 2004).]
Russ runs a local service and private tech center.