Some of the features that tie into the LAN and doing VLANs are nice, and the capability to control your phone from your computer, or using a cisco phone at an external site with a vpn connection. Instant messaging, conference bridge that ties into outlook, and web interface access to local users. We use Cisco Routers and some cisco switches, which makes it much easier to manage from a single place or program.
Of course.... in our environment I personally don't see to many current users using anything more than the standard phone and voicemail and maybe setup a conference bridge. All the Bells and Whistles are probably to complicated for most users at this facility. That being said... in the long run... I agree about other systems for half the cost. But it is not money that is getting spent
The only thing that I see from Toshiba that I don't like, and maybe I am wrong... but if you have a problem you have to call a Toshiba rep and Toshiba will not talk to you directly. Our current rep seems to know the basic functions, and when it comes to the questions that I have asked here, they had no idea about. Then if they know that we talk to another vendor within the immediate area, they hear about it and tend to not help us out as good as they could. If Toshiba had a contract type thing for support we might take advantage of that. We have thought abut becoming a dealer, just so we can call support ourselves. Bit I have no idea what it takes to become a dealer.