The Prostar DCS is older.It will need the right software to run iDCS series phones on it.It's also not as feature rich as the OS100 .You need to decide what features you want/need to decide which system to run.
Do you happen to know what software is required to allow it to use the iDCS series phones? Is that same newer software also needed to work the Caller ID?
Is the caller ID mostly software or do you need some kind of upgraded cards?
Does this model have a general description guide like the iDCS 100 and iDCS 500 have which talk about the various cards, what devices it supports, what features it has, etc...
When you say the iDCS 100 is more " feature rich", what is the most noticeable feature are referring to or are they just a bunch of little things?
I don't really don't notice any difference between the iDCS 100 and iDCS 500 off the top of my head.