So here is an update on where I am. I now have allowed line access and monitoring on each telephone. The line key for the telephone that I was utilizing the outside line on stays green approximately 5 minutes after I have hung up the phone. After 5 minutes, I can press the line key for the line, but it is red, as if someone is using the line somewhere else on the system. Oh yes, and I must not forget. When the line rings, the red line LED goes out, and you are unable to answer the line.
From what I know from previous phone systems is that the outside line hangs up immediately, and red indicates line is in use, not idle, green means in use on your telephone, and flashing red means ringing, not no LED or ringing.
Thanks to everyone who has helped me on this. I really wanted to be able to figure this out, and I have programmed multiple telephone systems for our company. I guess that I just wasn't able to do this system. Anyone know anything about remote programming over the LAN for this system, or is anyone willing to help me with it? Send me a PM if so.
Any other tips are certainly welcome!! I appreciate it.
Last edited by rg109; 12/11/13 09:40 PM.